Interval °6 – ERDgeschoss |Essen

ERDgeschoss, Emmastraße 1a 13.06.2015 Organiser Marita Bullmann Interval °6 with the soloperformances from the invited guests: Dominic Thorpe, Eve Bonneau, Yvonne Good, Zejing Liu, Zierle & Carter  

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Interval °6 – Kulturpfadfest |Essen

Glückaufhauspark 12.06.2015 Organiser Marita Bullmann PAErsche and guests performed together outside in a little park as part of the 14.Kulturpfadfest in Essen Artists: Dominic Thorpe, Eve Bonneau, Yvonne Good, Zejing Liu, Zierle & Carter, Boris Nieslony, Rolf Hinterecker, Marita Bullmann, Susanne Helmes, River Lin und Béatrive Didier All photos by Thomas Reul

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Art of Encountering V – day 3 – outdoor | Essen

City of Essen urban 12.10.2013 Organizer Marita Bullmann, Boris Nieslony With Philippine artists: Patrick Ka Hyan Chong, Super Thom Daq, Boyet De Mesa, Rommel G. Espinosa,  Yuan Mor’O Ocampo, Kaye O’Yek, Mannet Villariba With German artists: Marita Bullmann, Rolf Hinterecker, Karin Meiner, Guest Artists: Zierle & Carter 7 artistic positions of the Philippines encounter diverse […]

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