Day 1 FLENSBURG Museumsberg 03.07.2014 Organizer Elke Mark Brise 3 – the Performance Art Festival in Flensburg and Augustenborg, Denmark. OPEN SESSION – Outside on Museumsberg Solo Performances – Museum Christiansen-Haus Beteiligte KünstlerInnen: Monika Günther & Ruedi Schill | System HM2T Helge Meyer & Marco Teubner | Evamaria Schaller & Alice de Visscher […]
Urban Space Cologne 27.06.2015 Organizer Evamaria Schaller Walking from the Ebertplatz Cologne to Opekta Ateliers in Nippes. From urban city life to a relaxed park-venue. At the end we were eating and drinking together in Opekta Ateliers. Participating artists: Anne Hoffmann (AT), Alice de Visscher (BE), Arkadi Lavoie Lachapelle (CN), Delphine Richer (FR), […]
Ebertplatz Cologne 30.05.2015 Organizer Boris Nieslony & Marita Bullmann Open Source Group Performance in public space. The Performance Art Network encounters IKKG-Students from Höhr-Grenzhausen and Druckballett. With Boris Nieslony, Marita Bullmann, Christiane Obermayer, Petra Deus, Rolf Hinterecker, Anja Plonka, Franziska Seidel, Constantin Schädle, Masami Hirohata, Michele Janata
Urban spaces Cologne along both sides of the Rhine 24.05.2014 Organizer Evamaria Schaller At the same day like the visit of the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and a huge Harley Davindson meeting PAErsche walks in the city and interacts with Harley Davidson drivers as well as demonstrators. Participating artists: Surya Tüchler (DE), […]
Orangerie – Theater im Volksgarten 12.11.2013 Organizer Frank Homeyer 4 Guests of the Performer Stammtisch Berlin were invited to perform at this PAErsche-event as a solo artist as well as together with PAErsche in the Open Source Performance: Anja Ibsch, Florian Feigl, Joy Harder, Jörn Burmester
Orangerie – Theater im Volksgarten 17.10.2013 Organizer Boris Nieslony, Evamaria Schaller, Rolf Hinterecker The last evening together with the Philippine artists. The last performances of Art of Encountering in Cologne. They travel further.
Day 4 Orangerie – Theater im Volksgarten 16.10.2013 Organizer Boris Nieslony, Rolf Hinterecker, Evamaria Schaller With Philippine artists: Super Thom Daq, Boyet De Mesa, Rommel G. Espinosa, Yuan Mor’O Ocampo, Kaye O’Yek, Mannet Villariba With German artists: Marita Bullmann, Karin Meiner, Petra Deus, Béatrice Didier
Künstlerforum Bonn 09.10.2013 Organizer Boris Nieslony With Philippine artists: Patrick Ka Hyan Chong, Super Thom Daq, Boyet De Mesa, Rommel G. Espinosa, Yuan Mor’O Ocampo, Kaye O’Yek, Mannet Villariba With German artists: Marita Bullmann, Petra Deus, Béatrice Didier, Rolf Hinterecker, Karin Meiner, Evamaria Schaller 7 artistic positions of the Philippines encounter diverse artists from […]
Marketplace Ahrweiler 04.08.2013 Organizer Karin Meiner EXPLORATION / INTERVENTION / PERFORMANCE in the rural region (Eifel/Germany) and on the marketplace in Ahrweiler. With Boris Nieslony, Carola Willbrand, Karin Meiner, Lala Nomada, Malte Beisenherz, Marita Bullmann, Mark Met Petra Deus, Rolf Hinterecker, Susanne Helmes, Thorsten Müller The PAErsche-artists explored the nearby area: a stone-quarry is scheduled […]
Künstlerforum Bonn 09.10.2012 Organizer Karin Meiner, Boris Nieslony Solo artists are Ieke Trinks, Christian Schmidtz-Chemnitzer, Pia Müller, Béatrice Didier and Poppy Jackson. Aus-Setzen (something linke intermission, interruption) of the Displacing Time series in Künstlerforum Bonn.