Maschinenhaus Essen 21.06.2012 Organizer Marita Bullmann, Manfred Springer The Solo Performances come from Petra Deus, Alice de Visscher, Béatrice Didier, Marita Bullmann and Lan Hungh. Displacing Time is the first series of 3 Performance Art events in Cologne, Bonn and Essen. In cooperation with Orangerie – Theater im Volksgarten, Künstlerforum Bonn and Maschinenhaus Essen. […]
Künstlerforum Bonn 19.06.2012 Organizer Boris Nieslony, Karin Meiner Displacing Time is the first series of 3 Performance Art events in Cologne, Bonn and Essen. In cooperation with Orangerie – Theater im Volksgarten, Künstlerforum Bonn and Maschinenhaus Essen. The Künstlerforum Bonn was the first station of the Performance series with PAErsche Artists and invited artists like […]
Orangerie – Theater im Volkgarten 11.04.2012 Organizer Boris Nieslony Fotograf Pietro Pellini Solo Performances from Waltraud Caspari-Philips, Michael Dick, Béatrice Didier, Marita Bullmann and the Burmese theatre/performance artist Nyan Lin Htet.An Open Source Performance closed the PAErsche evening in the Orangerie Cologne.
OPEKTA ATELIERS KÖLN 20.10.2011 Organizer Evamaria Schaller OPEKTA ATELIERS KÖLN and PAErsche cooperated on this evening. An exchange of diversity with Solos from Surya Tüchler, Waltraud Caspari-Philips, Marita Bullmann and Frank Homeyer. We offered an Open Source Performance which transferred the main space of OPEKTA.
BOUTIQUE – Raum für temporäre Kunst 19.09.2011 Organizers Evamaria Schaller, Boris Nieslony, Max Erbacher Boutique – Raum für temporäre Kunst, the alternative, non-commercial project, gave us its art-space and became a kind of satellite. The artists used the underground passage as well as the Ebertplatz itself, the space of the former fountain and the […]
Urban Space Cologne 06.08.2011 Organizer Frank Homeyer, Evamaria Schaller unterwegs – on both sides of the Rhine. It is the first time we use this format of walking and performing outside. A walk which lasts nearly 3 hours. We walk, interact, perform and talk with people on the way. Frank Homeyer, Petra Deus, Waltraud […]
Orangerie – Theater im Volksgarten 10.05.2011 Organizer Boris Nieslony, Evamaria Schaller, Rolf Hinterecker Solo Performances from Alice de Visscher, Béatrice Didier, Carola Willbrand and Enric Fort Ballester. After the Solos an Open Source Performance. Teilnehmende Künstler*innen Alice de Visscher / Béatrice Didier / Boris Nieslony / Carola Willbrand / Elke Mark / Enric Fort […]
01.04.2011 Organizer Petra Deus Meeting „JETZT“. Now in the Artclub. Solos from Marita Bullmann, a duo from Inge Broska and Gerda Nettesheim, Parzifal, Boris Nieslony, Ruth Knecht After the Solo Performance an Open Source Performance.
Orangerie – Theater im Volksgarten 15.03.2011 Organizers Boris Nieslony, Evamaria Schaller, Rolf Hinterecker The first PAErsche event with Solos from Waltraud Caspari-Philips, Marita Bullmann, Evamaria Schaller.
Orangerie – Theater im Volksgarten 19.10.2010 Organizer Boris Nieslony, Rolf Hinterecker The first meeting.