Verweilen mit Fernando Ribeiro und PAErsche 19.07.2019 um 19.00 Uhr Präsentation von p.ARTE mit anschließendem Gespräch über die brasilianische Performance-Kunst Szene und ihrer aktuellen Entwicklung. 20.07.2019 um 20.00 Uhr Solo Performance von Fernando Ribeiro und eine anschließende Open-Source Performance Fernando Ribeiro, Performance-Künstler und Kurator, lebt und arbeitet in Curitiba, Brasilien. Durch seine langjährige engagierte Arbeit […]
Within the Format PAErsche meets… artist of PAErsche meet and show a Solo-Performance along with international artists that will come or travel through Germany. It’s also the starting point of the collaboration of PAErsche and the Rottstr.5 Kunsthallen in Bochum. We kicked off the format with the Brazilian artist Fernando Ribeiro. Fernando showed a Solo […]
Within the Format PAErsche meets… artist of PAErsche meet and show a Solo-Performance along with international artists that will come or travel through Germany. It’s also the starting point of the collaboration of PAErsche and the Rottstr.5 Kunsthallen in Bochum. We kicked off the format with the Brazilian artist Fernando Ribeiro. Fernando showed a Solo […]
Temporada de Performance 30.11.-08.12.2017 Organizer: Fernando Ribeiro – p.ARTE, Margit Leisner – Farol Organized in colaboration by plataforms PAErsche from Germany Farol Arte e Ação and p.ARTE from Curitiba. Between November 30th to December 9th, 2018 happens this event as an international meeting of performance in Curitiba with workshops, talks, theory and performances presentations. Artists and organizers from Brasil, Germany, Argentine and Chile. LINK to […]