Aus-Setzen_Displacing Time | Cologne

Orangerie – Theater im Volksgarten 10.10.2012 Oraganizer Boris Nieslony   Solo Artists are Surya Tüchler, Tim Tiedemann, Raz Gomeh and Peter Baren. Aus-Setzen (interruption, intermission) is the third part of the Displacing Time series.          

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Aus-Setzen_Displacing Time | Bonn

Künstlerforum Bonn 09.10.2012 Organizer Karin Meiner, Boris Nieslony   Solo artists are Ieke Trinks, Christian Schmidtz-Chemnitzer, Pia Müller, Béatrice Didier and Poppy Jackson. Aus-Setzen (something linke intermission, interruption) of the Displacing Time series in Künstlerforum Bonn.        

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Boutique | Cologne

  BOUTIQUE – Raum für temporäre Kunst 19.09.2011 Organizers Evamaria Schaller, Boris Nieslony, Max Erbacher Boutique – Raum für temporäre Kunst, the alternative, non-commercial project, gave us its art-space and became a kind of satellite. The artists used the underground passage as well as the Ebertplatz itself, the space of the former fountain and the […]

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