Between Bodies and Place | 27.6. – 04.07.2022

27.06. – 04.07.2022 Bochum, Duisburg, Essen Organisation: Helen Davison, Marita Bullmann, selina bonelli, Thomas Reul mit: An-Malv, Christiane (Akal Kiret) Obermayr, Helen Davison, Jade Blackstock, kane stonestreet, Klaut, Marita Bullmann, Monstera Deliciosa, Sandra Johnston, selina bonelli, Stephan US, Thomas Reul   18.06.2022 Ab 19:00    online Präsentation des Projektes und der Netzwerke SITE und PAErsche 29.06.2022 […]

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PAErsche meets … Fernando Ribeiro | Bochum – 13.07.2019

Within the Format PAErsche meets… artist of PAErsche meet and show a Solo-Performance along with international artists that will come or travel through Germany. It’s also the starting point of the collaboration of PAErsche and the Rottstr.5 Kunsthallen in Bochum. We kicked off the format with the Brazilian artist Fernando Ribeiro. Fernando showed a Solo […]

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PAErsche meets … Fernando Ribeiro | Bochum – 13.07.2019

Within the Format PAErsche meets… artist of PAErsche meet and show a Solo-Performance along with international artists that will come or travel through Germany. It’s also the starting point of the collaboration of PAErsche and the Rottstr.5 Kunsthallen in Bochum. We kicked off the format with the Brazilian artist Fernando Ribeiro. Fernando showed a Solo […]

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