Künstlerforum Bonn 11.09.2012 Organizer Karin Meiner & Boris Nieslony The solo artists in Künstlerforum Bonn are Valentine Verhaghe, Eva Wal, Marcio Carvalho, Roddy Hunter and Shaun Caton. Die Muße (the leisure) is the topic of the second part of the Displacing Time series in 2012. Performer Frank Homeyer / Lala Nomada / […]
Maschinenhaus Essen 21.06.2012 Organizer Marita Bullmann, Manfred Springer The Solo Performances come from Petra Deus, Alice de Visscher, Béatrice Didier, Marita Bullmann and Lan Hungh. Displacing Time is the first series of 3 Performance Art events in Cologne, Bonn and Essen. In cooperation with Orangerie – Theater im Volksgarten, Künstlerforum Bonn and Maschinenhaus Essen. […]
Orangerie – Theater im Volksgarten 20.06.2012 Organizer Boris Nieslony Solo Performances were from Alice de Visscher, Yingmei Duan, Boris Nieslony and Elke Mark. Her lecture performance transformed into the Open Source Performance. Displacing Time is the first series of 3 Performance Art events in Cologne, Bonn and Essen. In cooperation with Orangerie – Theater […]
Künstlerforum Bonn 19.06.2012 Organizer Boris Nieslony, Karin Meiner Displacing Time is the first series of 3 Performance Art events in Cologne, Bonn and Essen. In cooperation with Orangerie – Theater im Volksgarten, Künstlerforum Bonn and Maschinenhaus Essen. The Künstlerforum Bonn was the first station of the Performance series with PAErsche Artists and invited artists like […]
BRUCH & DALLAS 03.06.2012 Exhibition offline Teil 1 Organizer Rolf Hinterecker, Evamaria Schaller Mitwirkende KünstlerInnen aus ÖSTERREICH Elisa Andessner, Sibylle Ettengruber, Jan Machacek, Noah Holtwiesche, Betty Wimmer KÖLN Marita Bullmann, Vera Drehbusch, Boris Nieslony, Elke Mark, Carola Willbrand Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von bm:ukk, Linz verändert, Österreichisches Kulturforum, Bruch & Dallas, BOUTIQUE – […]
BOUTIQUE – Raum für temporäre Kunst & City of Cologne 01.06.2012 Organizer Rolf Hinterecker, Evamaria Schaller „Von den Bergen unten, nach oben den Fluss hinab“ In cooperation with the alternative, non-commercial project BOUTIQUE – Raum für temporäre Kunst we started a Performance-city-tour. Performances and interventions in Urban Space, the city of Cologne. Start […]
Along the Rhine – Urban Space Cologne 07.05.2012 Organizer Elke Mark, Boris Nieslony PAErsche participated in the worldwide campaign Art Walking / Walking Art. Elke Mark, Boris Nieslony, Evamaria Schaller, Karin Meiner, Julia Dick from PAErsche walked along the Rhine from the border of the city of Cologne to Godorfer Hafen. At the […]
Orangerie – Theater im Volkgarten 11.04.2012 Organizer Boris Nieslony Fotograf Pietro Pellini Solo Performances from Waltraud Caspari-Philips, Michael Dick, Béatrice Didier, Marita Bullmann and the Burmese theatre/performance artist Nyan Lin Htet.An Open Source Performance closed the PAErsche evening in the Orangerie Cologne.
Les Brasseurs 23-24.02.2012 Organizer: Nous avons commencé à comprendre un peu ce que l’on appelait au moyen âge en philosophie „actus“ et „potentia“, les deux concepts latins correspondant aux expressions aristotéliciennes „energeia“ et „dynamis“, réalité et possibilité Joseph Beuys, Qu’est-ce que l’art ? Born of the meeting of common interests for Performance Art, Actus is a […]