Ent-Setzen_Displacing Time | Essen

  Atelier Haus Marita Essen 08.11.2012 Organizer Marita Bullmann   Ent-Setzen in Essen in the Atelier Haus Marita. Every Solo Artist chose his/her own space and room to interact with the former office building. Solo Artists where Boris Nieslony, Karin Meiner, Lala Nomada, Marita Bullmann & Enric Fort Ballester and the Iranian Duo Watiq Al […]

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Ent-Setzen_Displacing Time | Cologne

Orangerie – Theater im Volksgarten 07.11.2012 Organizer Boris Nieslony, Rolf Hinterecker, Evamaria Schaller   Ent-Setzen with Solo Artists Michael Dick, Gwendoline Robin and the Iranian Duo Watiq Al Ameri & Ali Al Fatlaw. The Open Source Performance started with tables positioned in the space. They where the starting point. Tables as meeting point, place to […]

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