explorativ 3 – day 5 | Mayen

  Day 5 Marktplatz 23.08.2014 Organizer Karin Meiner Day 5 of exporativ 3. Open Source Performance on the market place of the city Mayen. Participating Artists: Anja Ibsch, Anne Hoffmann, Christiane Obermayr, Evamaria Schaller, Hyun Ju Do, Jörn J. Burmester, Masami Hirohata, Polina Grinberg, Simon Pfeffel  

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unterwegs 3 | Cologne

Urban spaces Cologne along both sides of the Rhine 24.05.2014 Organizer Evamaria Schaller   At the same day like the visit of the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and a huge Harley Davindson meeting PAErsche walks in the city and interacts with Harley Davidson drivers as well as demonstrators. Participating artists: Surya Tüchler (DE), […]

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