Spatio Temporal 2 – transposition | Cologne

  Orangerie – Theater im Volksgarten 11.03.2014 Organizer Evamaria Schaller The solo performers are BEAN, Christopher Mollon, Dani Ploeger and the duo of Annalaura Alifuoco & Fabiola Paz. The exchange of ]performance s p a c e [ and PAErsche is the second one after ]performance e x c h a n g e [ […]

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Interval 2 – outdoor | Essen

  Schurenbachhalde, Altenessen 06.04.2014 Organiser Marita Bullmann PAErsche works together with ]performance s p a c e [ on the Schurenbachhalde in Altenessen.  

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]performance e x c h a n g e [ | London

  ]performance s p a c e  [ 17.08.2013 – 18.08.2013 Organizor BEAN Artists for Bbeyond Belfast Brian Patterson, Brian Conolly and Laura Graham. Artists from PAErsche Boris Nieslony, Evamaria Schaller and Marita Bullmann. Artists from ]performance s p a c e [ London are the duo Fabiola Paz & Annalaura Alifuoco, Dani Ploeger and […]

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