Art of Encountering VI | September to October 2015

  ART OF ENCOUNTERING VI 11. September – 25. Oktober 2015 Performance Art, models to meet and pending communications in reciprocal transfer Since 2005, there has been existing a continuing and stable exchange between artists from Asia and various networks in Europe and this in a two years rhythm. The Far East artists are invited […]

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Austria Colonia 3 | Vienna

weisse haus Vienna 04.09.2013 Organizers Noah Holtwiesche & Elisa Andessner   Being an artistic form of encounter, performance art relies upon the practice of traveling as a means to overcome spatial, social and cultural distances. PAN Vienna and FAMA have invited artists to go on a journey to Vienna and Linz and to create an […]

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Austria Colonia 1| Cologne

BOUTIQUE – Raum für temporäre Kunst & City of Cologne 01.06.2012 Organizer Rolf Hinterecker, Evamaria Schaller   „Von den Bergen unten, nach oben den Fluss hinab“ In cooperation with the alternative, non-commercial project BOUTIQUE – Raum für temporäre Kunst we started a Performance-city-tour.   Performances and interventions in Urban Space, the city of Cologne. Start […]

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