ART OF ENCOUNTERING VI 11. September – 25. Oktober 2015 Performance Art, models to meet and pending communications in reciprocal transfer Since 2005, there has been existing a continuing and stable exchange between artists from Asia and various networks in Europe and this in a two years rhythm. The Far East artists are invited […]
ESAVL – October 2015 Organizer in collaboration with PAErsche 19th – 24th of October 2015, at ESAVL ( 21 rue des Anglais Liège) Performances solo, concert installation, open session, workshop, actions in public space, conferences,… With Pierre Berthet, Zhou Bin, He Chengyao, Maud Hagelstein, Béatrice Didier, Yingmei Duan, Anais Heraud, Chen Jin, Boris Nieslony, Gwendoline Robin, […]
Les Brasseurs 23-24.02.2012 Organizer: Nous avons commencé à comprendre un peu ce que l’on appelait au moyen âge en philosophie „actus“ et „potentia“, les deux concepts latins correspondant aux expressions aristotéliciennes „energeia“ et „dynamis“, réalité et possibilité Joseph Beuys, Qu’est-ce que l’art ? Born of the meeting of common interests for Performance Art, Actus is a […]