Crossing 2.0 | 01. – 10.10.2021

  01. – 10.10.2021 Dnipro, Ukraine   Organisation: Іра Харламова ( Ira Kharlamova ), Thomas Reul ( Томас Реул ) & Marita Bullmann (Маріта Буллманн) mit: Aleks Slota (Алекс Слота), Атом ( Аліса Олєва & Тимофій Максименко ) (ATOM (Alisa Oleva & Tim Maksimenko)), Carlotta Oppermann (Карлотта Опперманн),  Christiane Obermayr (Крістіана Обермайр), Fergus Byrne (Фергюсу […]

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Bel-Esse Exchange – day 2| Lisburn

    R-Space 22.10.2014 Organizer Brian Patterson, Bbeyond Belfast PAErsche artists: Marita Bullmann, Evamaria Schaller, Beatrice Didier, Alice De Visscher, Surya Tüchler, Enric Fort Ballester and Frank Homeyer Bbeyond artists: Hugh O’Donnell, Anne Quail, Leo Devlin, Tonya Mullen, Caroline Gallagher, Jayne Cherry, Keike Twisslemann Le Tas Invisible: Jean Michel René, Marie-Claude Gendron and Steven Girard […]

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Actus III | Brussels

Académie des Beaux-Arts J.J. Gailliard 01.10.2014 Organizer After the platform ACTUS I which was held in february 2012 at les Brasseurs, in collaboration with the ULG, the residency ACTUS II which led to a public presentation at la Fabrique in Frameries, ACTUS III hosted for an exceptionnal evening some artists from PAErsche and from Bbeyond […]

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Spatio Temporal 5 – Action Art from Belfast | Cologne

Orangerie – Theater im Volksgarten
 30.09.2014 Organizer Boris Nieslony, Evamaria Schaller, Rolf Hinterecker Performance exchange with the network Bbeyond Belfast. Solo artists are Chrissie Cadman, Christoff Gillen, Brian Patterson, Elvira Santamaria, Fergus Byrne, Sandra Johnston, James King. After the solo works PAErsche and Bbeyond Belfast performed together in an Open Source Performance.

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Interval 4 – ERDgeschoss | Essen

ERDgeschoss 27.09.2014 Organiser Marita Bullmann   The network Bbeyond Belfast at the festival Interval 4. Solo artists Chrissie Cadman, Christoff Gillen, Brian Patterson, Fergus Byrne, Sandra Johnston, James King  

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Interval 4 – Beton Salon | Essen

  Beton Salon 26.09.2014 Organizer Marita Bullmann   The networks Bbeyond Belfast and PAErsche perform together in the building pit of the temporal art project Beton Salon.   Artists from Bbeyond Chrissie Cadman, Christoff Gillen, Brian Patterson, Elvira Santamaria, Fergus Byrne, Sandra Johnston, James King. Artists from PAErsche Boris Nieslony, Evamaria Schaller, Marita Bullmann, Rolf […]

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