PAErsche LAB17 _ day 1 09.07.2017 PROGRAM MARKUS GABRIEL | Lecture Interpretation und Performance – Was Kunst ist ALICE DE VISSCHER | Solo Performance OPEN SOURCE PERFORMANCE Participating Artists/Theorists/Workshop Participants Alice de Visscher (BE), Anja Ibsch (DE), Angie Hiesl (DE), Anja Plonka (DE), Anne-Louise Hoffmann (DE), Arkadi Lavoi Lachapelle (FR), B. Arjay Sharma (IN), Bartolomé […]
FOR APPLICATION Mail to PAErsche Weitere Infos zur Konferenz / Further informations about the conference: PAERsche PERFORMANCE ART CONFERENCE – LAB17 On FACEBOOK ZUR ANMELDUNG Mail an PAErsche FOR APPLICATION Mail to PAErsche
BE WITH US! PAErsche LAB17 The Performance Art Conference revolves around the OPEN SOURCE PERFORMANCE!WHEN 09.-16.07.2017 WHERE Kulturbunker Köln-Mülheim e.V | Berliner Str. 20 | 51063 Köln Informationen zum Workshop mit Helge Meyer Information about the workshop with Helge Meyer: LAB17 PERFORMANCEART WORKSHOP On FACEBOOK FOR INFORMATION and APPLICATION Mail to PAErsche PAErsche […]