explorativ 1 | Ahrweiler

Marketplace Ahrweiler

Organizer Karin Meiner

EXPLORATION / INTERVENTION / PERFORMANCE in the rural region (Eifel/Germany) and on the marketplace in Ahrweiler.

With Boris Nieslony, Carola Willbrand, Karin Meiner, Lala Nomada, Malte Beisenherz, Marita Bullmann, Mark Met
Petra Deus, Rolf Hinterecker, Susanne Helmes, Thorsten Müller

The PAErsche-artists explored the nearby area: a stone-quarry is scheduled as a field for experiments.
The studies, observations, experiences will be brought to Ahrweiler and made visible.
The connection of Performance Art and everyday life will be explored in this special context.
In cooperation with AIM e.V. – cultural projects in rural space (Burgbrohl/German)